Who We Are

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Action In Reading Club (A.I.R.) was started by a group of parents keen on reading, pursuing personal growth and making positive impacts on families and communities. A.I.R. was established as a not for profit organization in 2019.

Action In Reading Club (A.I.R.) was started by a group of parents keen on reading, pursuing personal growth and making positive impacts on families and communities. A.I.R. was established as a not for profit organization in 2019.

Our Mission

Empower parents to better mentor their children on developing self-awareness, building confidence and fulfilling personal potentials
Promote lifelong learning through reading and applying these lessons in everyday life to nurture family bonding and become better people
Enable continuous growth in which we learn from yesterday, maintain an open mind in the present, and live for a better tomorrow.

Create change in communities by volunteering, partnering with charities and sponsoring vulnerable groups.

Empower parents to better mentor their children on developing self-awareness, building confidence and fulfilling personal potentials

Promote lifelong learning through reading and applying these lessons in everyday life to nurture family bonding and become better people

Enable continuous growth in which we learn from yesterday, maintain an open mind in the present, and live for a better tomorrow.
Create change in communities by volunteering, partnering with charities and sponsoring vulnerable groups.

our value





How We Do

We read

One Book, One Theme, One Charity! There are two group-reading sessions with a fee for 10 weeks each in spring and fall every year. Each session, A.I.R. picks books from the categories ranging from parenting, family, intimate relationship, and personal growth. Every week, we host in-depth book discussion facilitated by volunteers, and for every book read we select one charity and donate funds to help vulnerable groups in accordance with the book theme picked.

We Act

To enrich members’ lives, bonding friendship, integrating Canadian cultures with Chinese cultures, and most importantly to transform reading into action, we organize a series of events in winter and summer, including family outings, parent-child games, workshops, volunteer activities, visits to social-welfare organizations, and other series of activities. We also invite guest speakers and moderate panel discussion to promote a healthy and positive lifestyle.

How We Do

We read

One Book, One Theme, One Charity! There are two group-reading sessions with a fee for 10 weeks each in spring and fall every year. Each session, A.I.R. picks books from the categories ranging from parenting, family, intimate relationship, and personal growth. Every week, we host in-depth book discussion facilitated by volunteers, and for every book read we select one charity and donate funds to help vulnerable groups in accordance with the book theme picked.

We Act

To enrich members’ lives, bonding friendship, integrating Canadian cultures with Chinese cultures, and most importantly to transform reading into action, we organize a series of events in winter and summer, including family outings, parent-child games, workshops, volunteer activities, visits to social-welfare organizations, and other series of activities. We also invite guest speakers and moderate panel discussion to promote a healthy and positive lifestyle.

Why A.I.R.

A.I.R. provides members access to multidimensional resources to help smooth transitions to life in Toronto, facilitate cross cultural communication, improve parenting skills, and enhance school engagement.
A.I.R values kindness and empathy. We focus on continuous learning for personal growth, while seeking partnership with charities to support communities and vulnerable groups.

“We can’t change the Arctic Circle, but we can change our circle of friends”

Great minds alike – let’s read, learn, share and act together to grow mindsets, enrich experiences and enjoy the beauty of life.

Board Members

Our Team

Organize group
reading and social


manage finance
and budget



Manage members
relationship, develop
and execute
marketing strategies

Charity &

Select right-fit charities
to sponsor or collaborate,
organize volunteer activities
for parents and youth.

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