How Children Succeed
中文书名: 品格的力量
Author: Paul Tough

“He uncovers the surprising ways in which
parents do—and do not—prepare their
children for adulthood.”
“He uncovers the surprising ways in which
parents do—and do not—prepare their
children for adulthood.”

Paul Tough is an author, most recently known for The Years That Matter Most: How College Makes or Breaks Us. His previous work includes How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character, which was translated into 27 languages and spent more than a year on the New York Times hardcover and paperback best-seller lists.

Paul is a contributing writer to the New York Times Magazine; his writing has also appeared in the New Yorker, the Atlantic, GQ, and Esquire, and on the op-ed page of the New York Times. He is a speaker on topics including education, parenting, equity, and student success.

He has worked as an editor at the New York Times Magazine, and Harper’s Magazine and as a reporter and producer for the public-radio program “This American Life.” He was the founding editor of Open Letters, an online magazine.

He lives with his wife and two sons in Austin, Texas.

How Children Succeed introduces us to a new generation of researchers and educators who, for the first time, are using the tools of science to peel back the mysteries of character. Through their stories—and the stories of the children they are trying to help—Tough traces the links between childhood stress and life success. He uncovers the surprising ways in which parents do—and do not—prepare their children for adulthood. And he provides us with new insights into how to help children growing up in poverty

Early adversity, scientists have come to understand, not only affects the conditions of children’s lives, it can also alter the physical development of their brains. But innovative thinkers around the country are now using this knowledge to help children overcome the constraints of poverty. With the right support, as Tough’s extraordinary reporting makes clear, children who grow up in the most painful circumstances can go on to achieve amazing things.

This provocative and profoundly hopeful book has the potential to change how we raise our children, how we run our schools, and how we construct our social safety net. It will not only inspire and engage readers, it will also change our understanding of childhood itself.

Member Testimonial

感谢@Claire @Lei @千里香 今天被震惊到了,博引旁证的思辨过程, 带着疑问去讨论 书中 的关于成长,关于成功的思考,非常受启发 – Cynthia Qiant
@Sisi 非常感谢你PET这个坑,入坑后,跟着大家一起又拿起书,这 几年潜移默化的影响与学习,自身的变化与提升现在想起来真的是 非常大,是一点点日积月累的结果,谢谢你和读书会的姐妹们一路 陪伴。- Bonnie Jiang
@nolala 非常感谢你分享马云的演讲,刚刚全部看完了。讲得很好!如果云谷学校成功了,就看到中国教育的希望了。我当初带孩子来加拿大就是不想让他成为一个单纯的学习工具,可现在在养育小儿子的过程中,感觉加拿大的教育氛围越来越像中国了,家长们也越来越焦虑了。我们在读的这本《品格的力量》和马云的演讲是一致的,@Sisi 我也欣赏马云说的这句“父母好好学习,孩子天天向上”,你先我一步分享了。
马爸爸的演讲幽默风趣、句句掷地有声,中心思想与我们本期读 的 《品格的力量》不谋而合,“以前是一部论语走遍天下都不怕,现 在没有哪本书看了可以走遍天下都不怕,只有爱学习、会学习,有乐观精神的人,才真的走遍天下都不怕。”帮助孩子成功的秘诀是让孩子拥有好奇心、乐观精神、坚毅、社交能力、自控力、热情和 感恩这些优秀的品质。又回顾了上周读书会的内容。- Sisi Chen

感谢@Claire @Lei @千里香 今天被震惊到了,博引旁证的思辨过程, 带着疑问去讨论 书中 的关于成长,关于成功的思考,非常受启发 – Cynthia Qiant


@Sisi 非常感谢你PET这个坑,入坑后,跟着大家一起又拿起书,这 几年潜移默化的影响与学习,自身的变化与提升现在想起来真的是 非常大,是一点点日积月累的结果,谢谢你和读书会的姐妹们一路 陪伴。- Bonnie Jiang

@nolala 非常感谢你分享马云的演讲,刚刚全部看完了。讲得很好!如果云谷学校成功了,就看到中国教育的希望了。我当初带孩子来加拿大就是不想让他成为一个单纯的学习工具,可现在在养育小儿子的过程中,感觉加拿大的教育氛围越来越像中国了,家长们也越来越焦虑了。我们在读的这本《品格的力量》和马云的演讲是一致的,@Sisi 我也欣赏马云说的这句“父母好好学习,孩子天天向上”,你先我一步分享了。
马爸爸的演讲幽默风趣、句句掷地有声,中心思想与我们本期读 的 《品格的力量》不谋而合,“以前是一部论语走遍天下都不怕,现 在没有哪本书看了可以走遍天下都不怕,只有爱学习、会学习,有乐观精神的人,才真的走遍天下都不怕。”帮助孩子成功的秘诀是让孩子拥有好奇心、乐观精神、坚毅、社交能力、自控力、热情和 感恩这些优秀的品质。又回顾了上周读书会的内容。- Sisi Chen
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